A graphic featuring the phrase 'think outside the box' alongside icons representing documents, collaboration, gas, currency, and a candle.

Storage bundles and services

Natural gas storage products

RWE Gas Storage West offers you currently following products:

  • firm storage bundles
  • firm unbundled storage capacities
  • interruptible unbundled storage capacities
  • Day-Ahead-utilisation
  • Additional services

You may book these products separately or in combination with each other. We shall be happy to assist you. For more information on products and fees please refer to our information in the download area.

We offer individual storage capacities at the storage connection point of the respective transmission grid operator. For booking the corresponding entry and exit capacities please refer to the respective grid operator.

Firm storage bundles

The "firm storage bundle" combines the capacities working gas volume, injection and withdrawal capacity in a fixed ratio.

As storage customer you have the option to buy any number of storage bundles. Of course you may also book individual services on top of your package, that way increasing your storage capacity in a flexible way.

Specific storage bundles in an overview

Storage Injection capacity in m3N/h Withdrawal capacity in m3N/h Working gas volume in m3N
innEXpool 1 3 3,500
Epe L-Gas 1 2 900
Epe NL 1 2 1,550
Staßfurt 1 4 4,100

Firm unbundled capacities

Our gas storage product "firm unbundled capacity" enables you to book separately the capacities working gas volume, injection and/ or withdrawal capacity according to your requirements.

You may choose the booking period for firm injection and/ or withdrawal capacity in a flexible way. You are only required to have booked a firm working gas volume covering the entire booking period.

Interruptible unbundled capacities

At a reduced price we offer you additional interruptible individual services in form of injection and/or withdrawal capacities.

If you as a storage customer want to book interruptible injection and/or withdrawal capacities, you need to have booked a firm working gas volume covering the entire booking period.


To increase flexibility we offer our storage customers the chance of Day-ahead-Utilisation. In this way you as storage customer can use for the following day non-nominated injection and withdrawal capacities.

The only condition for this Day-ahead-Utilisation is that you have a firm working gas volume and that you have concluded a framework agreement for this service.

The framework agreement enables you for the period of the contract to nominate probably available injection and withdrawal capacities which are published a day ahead of use and to use them on the following day should they actually be available. In the storage portal we publish daily at 16:00h (CET) a forecast of the injection and withdrawal capacities which are likely to be available for Day-ahead-Utilisation.

For further details please refer to the General terms and Conditions for Day-Ahead-Utilisation in the download area.

Additional services

Our motto is „Think outside the box“. We offer additional services with added value for our customers.

  • Counter-cyclical capacities
    Different use of capacities: These storage contracts offers you the possibility to inject when others withdrawal.
  • Early hedging
    You have the possibility to ensure the availability of capacities for an agreed fee for a later contract closure.
  • Green-Energy-Product
    With this contract closure we guarantee the usage of certified green power for the injection of your gas volumes.
  • REMIT Market Participant-Reporting
    We will take the administrative burden for you and fulfil your REMIT reporting obligations out of the storage contracts with us.

In addition, we are always interested in the development and attractivity of our products. With pleasure we supplement our product portfolio in close cooperation with you. If you are interested please get in touch.

Physical requirements

Storage specifics

In using our storage products the relevant storage specifics must be taken into account. We try to keep the resulting restrictions as low as possible. There are mainly the following technical conditions.

An industrial facility with pipes and tanks, illuminated by blue lighting at night.


Order our gas storage products now at market-based fees.

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